The big Day

Posted by Fabio on Mar 2, 2009 in Cronicle

Yesterday was the big day I set for myself to send out the announcement via e-mail to all the people I know. It was quite tense, and part of me kept pushing it forward. And when I finally found the energy to do so technology had to spoil the day by making it difficult, I’m still wondering if it was technology or me. After sever attempt I decided to go to bed a bit disheartened a bit relieved. So here is a new day, and with it a new resolve to make this project work, and take the next step work. I’m considering split the mighty 800 plus mailing lis in 8 smaller ones and see what happens. At times I wonder how can it become so hard to use such a simple technology like e-mail. Well I better get going. I’ll update this post later this evening.

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New Ideas

Posted by Fabio on Feb 18, 2009 in Cronicle, Milestones

dsc_4270Yesterday I had lunch with Marianne Du Toit. I had mind mapped what I wanted o ask and I guess most of it was about practical matters, I was interested in understanding how to rise founds for the journey.
I have to say if I admired Marianne while reading her book, meeting her in person confirmed her genuine, inspiring, and generous character. Almost immediately I got faced with reality, often times I tend to get so carried away by my dreams and aspiration that reality gets a bit foggy.
Yet again she has been highly supportive of the project, and for that I have to thank you Marianne.

The one thing that I wasn’t expecting was the idea of self found my journey. That Idea caused me to think hard about the how am I going to make it happen. for the first time in years I’ve been driving back from Dublin to Leitrim without the company of my audiobooks, and surprisingly enough the 2 hour journey seemed so fast. so yesterday evening I spent some time reviewing my approach and visualize it on the site

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Deja Vu

Posted by Fabio on Feb 16, 2009 in Cronicle, Milestones

personal-timeAnother day full of excitement, I’ve seen this before, I’ve been here before. It’s the place where I get to start an engine and the engine gets into motion. It’s the place where things happen and the only one that can stop them is me….
OK enough of being cryptic. Let me explain what went on today that it was really exciting and energizing.
This morning I was fresh of enthusiasm for having set up the web site that I decided to share it with few people, just to get an initial feedback. But before I did that a thought just come to mind and I could not resist. Few months ago when I first conceived the idea of this project Rachel truly believed I was gone crazy, yet being the supportive person that she is she gave me a book as a present, Crying with Cockroaches from Marianne Du Toit. Since I started reading the book I truly believed the project was possible and I also had a compelling feeling I had to talk to Marianne. Well today I finally took the courage to find Marianne’s e-mail address and write to her and she kindly agreed to meet me. And I also got a lot of constructive feedback and support from my friends.
This is the same feeling I had before on at least tree occasion when I decide to “publish myself in the world”, to use Dawitt Jones own words, “then you never know what can happen”.
It’s up to me now to keep the this alive to completion. And I don’t mean to reach Mizen Head, in time at all costs, but just get on the bigger journey this project is all about… Love and Connectedness…
What a great day!!! 😉

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Setting up the website

Posted by Fabio on Feb 14, 2009 in Milestones, Planning

dsc_5410Today is quite a big day, I’ve started setting up the site for the project. Is a big day because entering information about the father & Son project is making it real.

There are a lot fears as my mind is projecting the whole journey forward.

Yet today is a day for courage. This adventure is all about finding that courage to do something meaningful, and overcoming any apparently logical explanation why it cannot be done.

It almost an interesting combination that today is st. Valentine, this project is about love. Love for each other as human beings, love for adventure, love for the beauty of nature and love for life.

This is my first entry, the site is not yet live, but is taking shape very quickly as write on this page and with it the energy and enthusiasm is building up.

I can already see ahead some of the challenges I encounter and I’m sure there will be many I can’t even begin to fathom, yet I  know that each of these challenges will also bring new incredible discoveries, and that is what I look forward to.

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